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A. After the following code executes, what value is in register $7 ?

addiu    $5,$0,-25
addiu    $6,$0,25
slt      $7,$5,$6
Register $7 will be set to 1, because (when the patterns in registers $5 and $6 are regarded as signed values) $5 < $6.

B. After the following code executes, what value is in register $7 ?

addiu    $5,$0,-25
addiu    $6,$0,25
sltu     $7,$5,$6
Register $7 will be set to 0, because (when the patterns in registers $5 and $6 are regarded as unsigned values) $5 is not less than $6. If the bit pattern in register $5 is regarded as unsigned, it looks like a large positive value.

Set on Less Than Immediate

The other two set instructions compare an operand register with an immediate value in the instruction. There is a version for two's complement:

                   #  $s and imm contain two's comp. integers
                   #  -32768 <= imm <= 32767
slti  d,s,imm      #  if ( $s < imm )
                   #    d = 1
                   #  else
                   #    d = 0

And a version for unsigned integers:

                   #  $s and imm contain unsigned integers
                   #  0 <= imm <= 32767
sltiu  d,s,imm     #  if ( $s < imm )
                   #    d = 1
                   #  else
                   #    d = 0

In both, the immediate field of the machine instruction is 16 bits wide. However, the sltiu instruction can only be used with small integers 0 <= imm <= 32767 (and another range which is not important for this course.)


After the following code executes, what value is in register $7 ?

addiu    $6,$0,25
slti     $7,$6,37

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