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An Exception is thrown.

Specifically, an InputMismatchException is thrown. This chapter shows how to use the try/catch/finally structure to handle Exceptions that happen when doing I/O.

Review: Input Stream from a File

scanner reading integers

Here is how to construct a Scanner object that connects to a disk file:

// create a File object
File file = new File("myData.txt");

// connect a Scanner to the file
Scanner scan = new Scanner( file );      

These statements first create a File object. This is a software object that represents a file name. Creating a File object does not create a disk file. Next a Scanner object is constructed and connected to the actual file.

If the file myData.txt does not exist in the current disk directory, or if there are other problems opening it, the Scanner constructor will throw an FileNotFoundException, a child class of IOException.

Recall that IOExceptions are checked Exceptions.


What must a method do if it might cause a checked Exception?

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