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Yes. An Ellipse is a kind of Shape which is a kind of Node. A scene graph is made of Nodes.

Elliptical Billiard Balls

Elliptical Billiard Balls

An ellipse fits in a box of width 2*radiusX and height 2*radiusY. The larger of radiusX and radiusY is the semi-major axis and the smaller is the semi-minor axis.

The program shows white ellipses on a green baize table.

import javafx.application.*;
import javafx.stage.*;
import javafx.scene.Scene;  
import javafx.scene.shape.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.*; 

public class EllipseTable extends Application
  public void start( Stage primaryStage )
    double width = 400.0, height = 300.0;
    double centerX, centerY ; 
    double radiusX, radiusY ;
    // First ellipse, width greater than height
    centerX = width*0.3; centerY=height*0.3; 
    radiusX = width/8;  radiusY=width/11;
    Ellipse billiardA = new Ellipse( centerX,  centerY,  radiusX,  radiusY );
    billiardA.setFill( Color.IVORY );
    // Second ellipse, height greater than width
    centerX = width*0.7; centerY=height*0.7; 
    radiusX = width/12;  radiusY=width/10;
    Ellipse billiardB = new Ellipse( centerX,  centerY,  radiusX,  radiusY );
    billiardB.setFill( Color.IVORY );
    // Green rectangle background
    Rectangle table = new Rectangle( 0,0, width, height );
    table.setFill( new Color( 0.228, 0.71, 0.05, 1.0 ) );  // Baize green
    table.setStroke( Color.DIMGRAY );
    table.setStrokeWidth( 5.0 );
    // Pane, Scene, and Stage
    Pane pane = new Pane( table, billiardA, billiardB );
    Scene scene = new Scene( pane );
    primaryStage.setTitle("Elliptical Billiard Balls");
    primaryStage.setScene( scene );

As with other Shapes, you may set the fill color and the stroke color.


If radiusX and radiusY are the equal, what is drawn?

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