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Ordered Linked List

ordered linked list with five nodes

The methods of the class OrderedLinkedList ensure that the nodes are linked into ascending order. The Node class is the same as before. The picture shows a possible ordered linked list.

Here for review is the Node class, unchanged from the previous chapter:

public class Node
  private int  value;
  private Node next;
  public Node ( int val )
    value = val;
    next = null;
  public int  getValue() { return value; }
  public Node getNext()  { return next; }
  public void setValue( int val ) { value = val; }
  public void setNext( Node nxt ) { next = nxt; } 
  public String toString() { return "" + value ; }

Here is a sketch of a the LinkedList class that contains a pointer to the first node of a chain of nodes:

public class OrderedLinkedList
   private Node headPtr = null;
  // The constructor creates an empty list
  public OrderedLinkedList()
    headPtr = null;
  // Determine if the List is empty
  public boolean isEmpty()
     return headPtr == null;
  // Traverse the list, printing each node
  // (Slightly improved from previous version.)
  public void traverse()
    Node current = headPtr;
    while ( current != null )
      if ( current == headPtr )
        System.out.print( current );
        System.out.print( ", " + current );
      current = current.getNext();
  // Insert one Node containing data  
  // into the list in ascending order
  public void insertInOrder( int data )
    Node newNode = new Node( data );
    newNode.setNext( null );
    // . . .  more work to be done . . .

The constructor is not really needed since the default constructor would be enough, but is included here to emphasize the initial conditions.


(Thought Question:) What does an empty OrderedLinkedList look like?

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