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Example with #

Here is a fragment, using #

double A= 0.1, B= -0.1;

DecimalFormat numform = new DecimalFormat(" ##0.###;-##0.###"); 

System.out.println( "A = " + numform.format(A) );  
System.out.println( "B = " + numform.format(B) );  

The fragment writes:

A =  0.1
B = -0.1

Format patterns that contain # create strings of varying lengths, so it is hard to align numbers in columns of output.


What does the following fragment write?

double A= 123.1, B= -1.1;

DecimalFormat numform = new DecimalFormat(" ##0.###;-##0.###"); 

System.out.println( "A = " + numform.format(A) ); 
System.out.println( "B = " + numform.format(B) ); 

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