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System.out.printf("PI =%5.2f%n", Math.PI);  
System.out.printf("PI =%5.3f%n", Math.PI);  
System.out.printf("PI =%10.1f%n", Math.PI);  

PI = 3.14
PI =3.142
PI =       3.1 

The last digit was rounded up in the second output.

Format Specifiers

public class FloatDemoA
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    double first = 12345.6789 ;    
    double second = -45.97 ;  
    System.out.printf( "first = %10.3f;  second = %10.3f;  sum = %f", first, second, first+second  );

The format string in this program has three format specifiers. Each matches a value in the argument list. The conversion code in the specifier ("f" here) must match the type of value.

The output (on my computer in the US) is:

first =  12345.679;  second =    -45.970;  sum =  12299.708900



What do you suspect the following prints:

double value = 123456.120001;
System.out.printf("value =%5.2f", value);  

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