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The previous program used a loop that iterated 40 times to calculate that.

Copy and Paste the Dollars Calculation

Here is the part from the previous program (slightly modified) that calculates the number of dollars after 40 years:

int year =  1 ;     
dollars = initialAmount;              // initialize the loop
while (  year <= 40 )
  dollars = dollars + dollars*rate  ; // add another year's interest     
  dollars = dollars + 1000 ;          // add in this year's contribution
  year    =  year + 1 ;

Here is the skeleton program again:

public class  MillionDollarInterestRate

  public static void main( String[] args ) 
    double initialAmount = 1000.00 ;
    double dollars = 0.0;
    double rate = -0.001; // This is about to change
    while ( dollars < 1000000 )
       // change to the next rate
       rate = rate + 0.001;

       // compute the dollars after 40 years at the current rate


    System.out.println("After 40 years at " + rate*100 
      + " percent interest you will have " + dollars + " dollars" );



To complete the program nest one loop inside the other.

Copy and paste sections of code from this web page.

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