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Just one, as usual. The one random number generator is used to simulate a pair of dice or one eleven-sided die, as needed.

Complete Program

Here is the complete program. Its sections will be explained shortly.

The sections of the program match the boxes in the flowchart.

You can copy and paste this program to a file and play with it, if you want.

import java.util.*;

public class DiceChoiceGame
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    // Declare and Initialize
    final int endScore=10;
    Scanner scan = new Scanner( System.in );
    Random rand = new Random();
    int playerScore=0, compScore=0;
    int playerToss, compToss;
    // Play Rounds until one player reaches ending score
    while ( playerScore<endScore && compScore<endScore )
      // Computer's Toss
      compToss = rand.nextInt(6)+1 + rand.nextInt(6)+1 ;
      System.out.println("The Computer tosses: " + compToss);
      // Player's Toss
      System.out.print("Toss 1 eleven-sided die, or 2 six-sided dice (enter 1 or 2)? ");
      String numDice = scan.nextLine();
      if ( numDice.equals("1") )
        playerToss = rand.nextInt(11)+2 ;
        System.out.println("You throw 1 die and get: " + playerToss );
        playerToss = rand.nextInt(6)+1 + rand.nextInt(6)+1 ;
        System.out.println("You throw 2 dice and get: " + playerToss );
      // Determine Winner of Round and Adjust Scores
      if ( playerToss>compToss )
        playerScore = playerScore+1;
        System.out.println("You win the round!");
        compScore = compScore+1;
        System.out.println("You loose the round!");
      System.out.println("Score: computer " + compScore + ", you " + playerScore + "\n");
    // Determine Winner of the Game
    System.out.println("Final Score: computer " + compScore + ", you " + playerScore);
    if ( compScore > playerScore ) 
      System.out.println("The Computer Wins!");
      System.out.println("You Win the Game!");


Will one player or the other eventually win? Or is a draw possible?

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