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The expression is evaluated to 21.

Maximum and Minimum

int a = 7, b = 21;
a > b ? a : b 

The expression evaluates to the maximum of two values:

  1. The condition a > b is false, so
  2. The part after the colon (:) is evaluated, to 21.
  3. That value is given to the entire conditional expression.

(Usually such an expression is part of a longer statement that does something with the value.)

Here is a program fragment that prints the minimum of two variables.

int a = 7, b = 21;
System.out.println( "The min is: " + (a ______ b ? a : b ) );

Other than the blank, the fragment is correct. The value of the conditional expression is used with the concatenation operator + in the println() statement.


Fill in the blank so that the fragment works correctly.

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