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Yes. A big program might need thousands of objects as it runs, but might have only a few dozen class descriptions.

Syntax of a Class Definition

Class definitions look like this:

modifiers class ClassName

  Descriptions of the constructors that initialize a new object,
  the instance variables, and  the methods of an object.


Often programmers separate the definition into three sections:

modifiers class ClassName
  // Description of the instance variables

  // Description of the constructors

  // Description of the methods

For now, replace modifiers with public in the class that contains main and don't include it in other classes in the same file. See next page.

Separating the class into sections is done for clarity. It is not a rule of the language.

A simple class might have just a few variables and be defined in just a few lines of code. A large, complicated class might take thousands of lines of code for its definition.


Does each object require a main() method?

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