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Use the reserved word this to show when an identifier refers to an object's instance variable.

Method Definition

public class Cone
  // instance variables
  private double radius;  // radius of the base
  private double height;  // height of the cone

  // constructor
  public Cone( double radius, double height )
    this.radius = radius;
    this.height = height;

  // methods
  public double volume()
    return  ;

  public double area()
    return  ;

Here is the syntax for method definition:

modifiers returnType methodName ( parameterList )

The first line in the above is called the header of a method. It does not have to be all on one line. The returnType is the data type that the method returns. It will be one of the primitive data types, or a class. The methodName is an identifier picked by the programmer. It can be any identifier except for reserved words or identifiers already in use. The parameterList is a list of parameters and their data types. If there are no parameters, the parameter list is omitted, (but the two parentheses must be there).

The signature of a method is the methodName and parameterList.

Now complete the volume() method by filling in the blank.

The formula for volume is:

V = π*r2*h/3

The formula for surface area (including the base) is:

A = π*r*( r + √(h2 + r2) )


Fill in the blanks

You will need to a static constant and method of the Math class.

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