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First  value of the local var: 7 
First  value of the parameter: 7
Second value of the parameter: 100
Second value of the local var: 7

Returning a Value

Once a value has been copied into a parameter a method can use the value or change the value. But a change to a parameter does not affect any variable inside the caller. How can a method send a value back to the caller? Examine the following:

To return a single value to the caller, an invoked method can use the return statement along with the value to be returned.

class SimpleClassTwo
  public int twice( int x )
    return 2*x;

class SimpleTesterTwo
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    int var = 7;
    int result = 0;

    SimpleClassTwo simple = new SimpleClassTwo();

    System.out.println("First  value of result: " + result );    
    result = simple.twice( var );
    System.out.println("Second value of result: " + result );    


Now what is the output of the program?

First  value of the result: 
Second value of the result: 

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