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x = 3; y = 5
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x = 3; y = 5
x = 6; y = 10
Leave PointDoubler
x = 6; y = 10


1. Parameter passing is always call by value.

2. If a method's parameter is a primitive data type, the method can change the value held in its parameter, but that change has no effect elsewhere.

3. However, if a method's parameter is a reference to an object, the method can use the reference to access the object and then change the instance variables of the object (unless they are private or in a different package).

4. If the parameter is a reference to an object, the invoked method can point the parameter at a different object, but this does not change the value of the reference held by the caller.

5. Of course, even if a method has a reference to an object, the object can be changed only if the object allows changes to be made.


Look at the definition of the MyPoint class. Think of a way to make MyPoint objects immutable.

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