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height and radius (same as for Cone)

Two Parts of a Tree

Here is a summary of class Cone:

  // instance variables
  private double radius;  // radius of the base
  private double height;  // height of the cone
  // constructor
  public Cone( double radius, double height )
  // methods
  public double area()
  public double volume()
  public void setHeight( double height )
  public void setRadius( double radius )
  public double getHeight( )
  public double getRadius( )

Here is a summary of class Cylinder:

  // instance variables
  private double radius;  // radius of the base
  private double height;  // height of the cone
  // constructor
  public Cylinder( double radius, double height )
  // methods
  public double area()
  public double volume()
  public void setHeight( double height )
  public void setRadius( double radius )
  public double getHeight( )
  public double getRadius( )

The classes are nearly the same. Of course, the methods for area and volume use different formulas. Here is the source code:


Could an object of type Tree contain a instance variable that points to a Cone?

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