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It is called super() because the parent of a class is sometimes called its superclass.

The Constructor Invoked by super()

A constructor for a child class always starts by invoking a constructor of the parent class. If the parent class has several constructors then the one which is invoked is determined by matching the argument lists.

For example, there could be a second constructor for Movie that omits the argument for length. It starts out by invoking the parent constructor that also omits the argument for length:

class Video
  private String  title;    // name of the item
  private int     length;   // number of minutes
  private boolean avail;    // is the video in the store?

  // constructor
  public Video( String ttl )
    title = ttl; length = 90; avail = true; 

  // constructor
  public Video( String ttl, int lngth )
    title = ttl; length = lngth; avail = true; 
  . . . 


class Movie extends Video
  private String  director;     // name of the director
  private String  rating;       // G, PG, R, or X

  // alternate constructor
  public Movie( String ttl, String dir, String rtng )
    super( ttl );    // invoke the matching parent class constructor  
    director = dir;   // initialize members unique to Movie
    rating = rtng; 

. . .


Does a child constructor always invoke a parent constructor?

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