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As it is written, calling factorial( -1 ) would grow the activation chain without limit.

public int factorial( int N )
  if ( N == 0 )
    return 1;
    return N * factorial( N-1 ) ;

The first activation factorial( -1 )would activate factorial( -2 ), which would activate factorial( -3 ), which would activate factorial( -4 ), and so on. The base case (of N == 0) would never be reached. Eventually the computer system would run out of resources, and the program would stop running.

Defensive Programming

Defensive programming is when a programmer anticipates problems and writes code to deal with them. To avoid the disaster a negative parameter would cause, sometimes factorial() is written like this:

public int factorial( int N )
  if ( N <= 0 )
    return 1;
    return N * factorial( N-1 ) ;

But, according to the math-like definition, this is not correct. The value of factorial( -1 ) is undefined, not equal to one. Potentially, returning an incorrect value and continuing on as if nothing is wrong might cause a greater disaster than stopping the computer system.

Sometimes the method is written to throw an exception when an illegal argument is detected. (Exceptions are discussed in a future chapter.) But this adds complication since now the caller must deal with a possible exception.

Perhaps the best idea is to write factorial() so that it follows the math-like definition exactly. Make it the responsibility of the caller to make sure that the argument is within range.


Here is another idea: why not have factorial() use the absolute value of its argument to be sure that it is positive?

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